Demon’s Brew Chalice


The Demon’s Brew Chalice, a powerful artifact imbued with the blood of a demon by a cult of dark magic users. The chalice has the ability to summon powerful demons and grant immense power, but at a terrible cost. Possession of the chalice comes with the risk of being consumed by its dark power and losing one’s own will, becoming a mere vessel for the demons.

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Additional information


Warlock / Sorcerer

Roll Bonus

+2 bonus to any dark magic spell cast with the chalice in hand.
+1 bonus to charisma checks when dealing with dark magic creatures or entities.
+2 bonus to saving throws against dark magic and demonic forces.
However, there are also significant risks associated with owning and using the Demon's Brew Chalice:

The chalice has a will of its own, and may attempt to manipulate or tempt its owner towards using its dark powers for evil purposes.
Each time the chalice is used for dark magic, there is a chance the owner's alignment will shift towards evil.
The chalice may attract unwanted attention from dark magic creatures or entities, putting the owner in grave danger.
The chalice may be addictive, causing its owner to constantly seek out more power and become consumed by darkness.
Using the Demon's Brew Chalice is not for the faint of heart and requires great caution and responsibility.

[These bonuses are meant to be flexible and can be adjusted to fit the balance of your campaign.]


The Demon’s Brew Chalice has a long and ominous history. It was crafted by a cult of dark magic users who sought to harness the power of the underworld and bind it to their will. They imbued the chalice with the blood of a powerful demon, granting it immense power over the forces of darkness.

Many have sought the Demon’s Brew Chalice, but few have succeeded. Those who do are rumored to be granted immense power, but at a terrible cost. The chalice can summon forth powerful demons, bound to the will of the holder. Its mere presence inspires fear.

However, the powers of the Demon’s Brew Chalice come at a terrible cost. The chalice is said to have a will of its own, and those who use it too often or for too long become consumed by its dark power, losing their own will and becoming mere vessels for the demons they have summoned. Possessing the Demon’s Brew Chalice is a dangerous path, balancing on the brink of darkness, tempted by the immense power it offers.


An image of our cup the Demons Brew Chalice

Additional information


Warlock / Sorcerer

Roll Bonus

+2 bonus to any dark magic spell cast with the chalice in hand.
+1 bonus to charisma checks when dealing with dark magic creatures or entities.
+2 bonus to saving throws against dark magic and demonic forces.
However, there are also significant risks associated with owning and using the Demon's Brew Chalice:

The chalice has a will of its own, and may attempt to manipulate or tempt its owner towards using its dark powers for evil purposes.
Each time the chalice is used for dark magic, there is a chance the owner's alignment will shift towards evil.
The chalice may attract unwanted attention from dark magic creatures or entities, putting the owner in grave danger.
The chalice may be addictive, causing its owner to constantly seek out more power and become consumed by darkness.
Using the Demon's Brew Chalice is not for the faint of heart and requires great caution and responsibility.

[These bonuses are meant to be flexible and can be adjusted to fit the balance of your campaign.]

Product Data (weight/material)

  • Weight: 230gr
  • Material: Polyester/Stainless Steel
  • Packaging: Cardboard


Greetings, esteemed patron!

Please be aware that our handcrafted mugs are delicate and must be treated with the utmost care. To ensure their longevity and continued beauty, we kindly request that you do not put them in the dishwasher. Instead, we recommend that you always wash them by hand, using gentle soap and warm water.

Thank you for your understanding and for choosing our tavern for your drinkware needs.

Best regards, The Old Wolf


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