Bones of Burden


A young wizard’s apprentice’s mistake animates a skeleton to carry a chalice containing a rare elixir. The chalice turns every liquid poured into it into a valuable elixir with special properties, making it highly sought after by adventurers and treasure hunters. The chalice can only be unlocked by solving puzzles and riddles inscribed on its surface, testing both intelligence and character. The skeleton, known as the Bones of Burden, serves as a reminder that great power comes with great responsibility and will not be easily claimed.

Op voorraad = verzenden binnen 1-2 werkdagen

Additional information


Wizard / Sorcerer

Roll Bonus

Grants temporary hit points equal to half the user's level (rounded down) when consumed.
Provides immunity to poison for 24 hours after consumption.
Gives the user the ability to see in the dark for 24 hours after consumption.

+2 bonus to any Constitution saving throw made to resist poison or disease.
+1 bonus to any Wisdom (Perception) check made to detect hidden objects or creatures in low light conditions.
The user has advantage on saving throws against being blinded or deafened for 24 hours after consuming the elixir.
When below half of their maximum hit points, the user may choose to expend the elixir to immediately regain hit points equal to their level.
Note: The magical elixir can only be consumed once per day, and the effects of the elixir only last for 24 hours after consumption.


Bones of Burden.

A young wizard’s apprentice was tasked with brewing a rare and valuable elixir, but in his clumsiness, he spilled it on a nearby skeleton. The bones were imbued with magic and animated to carry a chalice that held the precious elixir. This created the Bones of Burden, which wandered the land for centuries. Adventurers and treasure hunters sought the chalice for its incredible power. Pouring any liquid into the chalice transformed it into a rare and valuable elixir with properties beyond ordinary magic.

Many sought the Bones of Burden to harness its power for their own goals. Some wanted to heal the sick and bring prosperity to their land, while others sought to gain wealth and control over the masses. However, the chalice’s power remained elusive. Its surface was inscribed with riddles and puzzles that tested both intelligence and character, thwarting all attempts to unlock its secrets.

The Bones of Burden continue to bear their heavy burden, a symbol of the dangers and possibilities of magic. Each generation of seekers is reminded that great power comes with great responsibility. The Bones of Burden will not easily be claimed.


Skeleton of Bones of burden
Skeleton of Bones of burden

Additional information


Wizard / Sorcerer

Roll Bonus

Grants temporary hit points equal to half the user's level (rounded down) when consumed.
Provides immunity to poison for 24 hours after consumption.
Gives the user the ability to see in the dark for 24 hours after consumption.

+2 bonus to any Constitution saving throw made to resist poison or disease.
+1 bonus to any Wisdom (Perception) check made to detect hidden objects or creatures in low light conditions.
The user has advantage on saving throws against being blinded or deafened for 24 hours after consuming the elixir.
When below half of their maximum hit points, the user may choose to expend the elixir to immediately regain hit points equal to their level.
Note: The magical elixir can only be consumed once per day, and the effects of the elixir only last for 24 hours after consumption.

Product Data (weight/material)

  • Weight: 285gr
  • Material: Polyester/Stainless Steel
  • Packaging: Cardboard


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Please be aware that our handcrafted mugs are delicate and must be treated with the utmost care. To ensure their longevity and continued beauty, we kindly request that you do not put them in the dishwasher. Instead, we recommend that you always wash them by hand, using gentle soap and warm water.

Thank you for your understanding and for choosing our tavern for your drinkware needs.

Best regards, The Old Wolf


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