Tavern’s Tankard


The Tavern’s Tankard is a legendary wooden mug with a metallic handle. It is said to grant its owner unparalleled charisma and combat prowess, making it highly sought after by adventurers and warriors. The mug is rumored to hold secrets and magic, elevating those who hold it to greatness.

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The Tavern’s Tankard


The Tavern’s Tankard is more than just a simple wooden mug. It is said that the mug was crafted by an unknown mage, imbued with the essence of the greatest bards and warriors of the land. The handle, forged from the rarest metals, holds the power of charm and charisma, while the wooden body holds the power of might and combat prowess.

For years, this mug was hidden away, its existence known only to a select few. But as word of its magical properties began to spread, adventurers and warriors alike set out on a quest to find it. Some sought it for the charisma it granted, hoping to become the greatest bards of their generation. Others sought it for the combat prowess it granted, seeking to become the mightiest warriors in all the land.

The Tavern’s Tankard was eventually discovered, but only after a great battle was fought over it. The victor, a young bard, claimed the mug as his own and used its power to become one of the most famous and powerful bards of his time. From that day forward, the Tavern’s Tankard has been passed down from bard to bard, its magic still as strong as the day it was first crafted.

The mug is now highly sought after by any who aspire to be a great bard or warrior. For those who possess the Tavern’s Tankard, they are granted the power to become legends, to sing songs that move the hearts of men and to fight battles that will be remembered for generations to come.

A burned down tavern, with our Bard in front. He found the Tavern's Tankard in the charred down remains


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