Thorne The Fallen


Thorne the Fallen was the First Sword to the King and Queen of an ancient realm, renowned for his unmatched skill with a blade. Betrayed by a traitor in the royal court, Thorne was cast out as a traitor but his legacy lives on through the Skeleton Mug with Battle-Horns.

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Additional information


Cleric / Paladin

Roll bonus

– +1 to Strength
– +2 to Dexterity
– +3 to Constitution
– Advantage on Intimidation checks / +2 to damage rolls with swords
– Can be filled with any liquid to restore 1d6 hit points to the drinker, once per day.
– Provides resistance to poison damage.


Thorne the Fallen


Thorne the Fallen was once the First Sword to the King and Queen of a powerful and prosperous realm. His skill with a blade was unmatched, and he was a fierce warrior who inspired fear in his enemies and respect in his allies.
He was a trusted advisor to the royal couple and a defender of their kingdom, always at the front lines of battle.

However, Thorne’s loyalty was ultimately betrayed. A member of the royal court, envious of Thorne’s power and influence, plotted against him.
The traitor fabricated evidence of Thorne’s treachery and convinced the King and Queen to turn on their once-trusted advisor. Thorne was cast out of the kingdom and declared a traitor, forced to flee for his life.

Despite his fall from grace, Thorne’s legacy lived on. Tales of his bravery and skill with a sword continue to be told, and the Skeleton Mug with Battle-Horns bearing his name is a symbol of his once-great power.


Full width image of Thorne the Fallen in his kingdom

Additional information


Cleric / Paladin

Roll bonus

– +1 to Strength
– +2 to Dexterity
– +3 to Constitution
– Advantage on Intimidation checks / +2 to damage rolls with swords
– Can be filled with any liquid to restore 1d6 hit points to the drinker, once per day.
– Provides resistance to poison damage.

Product Data (weight/material)

  • Weight: 320gr
  • Material: Polyester/Stainless Steel
  • Packaging: Cardboard


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