Darkstorm’s Polydice Set


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In the kingdom of Eldrid, a magical maelstrom raged, plunging the land into darkness and unleashing strange and powerful energies. While many feared to venture out, a few brave adventurers saw an opportunity and ventured into the heart of the storm. Despite its wrath, they emerged on the other side with a set of dice unlike any other: the Darkstorm Dice Set.

Crafted from the very essence of the storm, the dice crackled with energy and pulsed with otherworldly power. Made of an unknown material, they were dark as night and seemingly indestructible. With every roll, the dice channeled the power of the storm, summoning bolts of lightning, rumbling thunder, and howling winds. Reality itself seemed to bend to the will of the dice, turning the tide of even the direst battles. It was said that only those who were worthy could wield their incredible power.

As the legend of the Darkstorm Dice Set spread, adventurers, mages, and even royalty sought to obtain them. Though the storm that birthed them eventually subsided, the dice remained a coveted treasure, a symbol of the storm’s power and the bravery of those who dared to face it.


a picture of the dark storm dice, raging across the land

Dice Specifics

Material: Acrylic

Weight: 30 gr


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